
Manage your money

Thinking of using Long Term Interest Free2 with Skye? Use our repayment calculator to estimate your weekly or monthly repayment amount on Interest Free offered through our retail partners.

3 instalment plans
SkyePlans: 9, 12 or 15 month options. Skye Mastercard allows you to convert purchases of $250 or more to your choice of 3 Interest Free Instalment Plans. Pay off big ticket purchases in monthly instalments at 0% p.a.

It's easy!

Every time you make a purchase we simply
add it to your account. Then at the beginning of the month, we send you a summary (called a "statement") of what you spent and what you paid in the month. You can then pay it back in full at the end of the month or pay over time from as little as $40 a month, interest free.

What we do

We make sourcing equipment finance easy.  We arrange finance for all manner of Equipment, Cars, Boats, Planes and Property for our clients ranging from large private companies to individuals. Many clients have been with us for over 20 years, whether their requirements have been an occasional car or millions of dollars in machinery or property. We even do total debt restructures, working capital & debtor discounting facilities as well as arranging better overall banking relationships. We really are the easiest way to finance business!
