Lan Nights Are Back!

Precise PCs will be hosting LAN Nights at the shop after hours once again.
Unlike before we will not be proving hire computers so you will need to bring your own computer, monitor, keyboard,mouse, mouse pad and headphones. You will also be expected to have the required games purchased installed and updated before arriving. Remember this is a mixed age event so alcohol may be present, however excessive drinking or misbehaviour will result in your removal.
The Next Gaming Night Will be on the 11th of March 2017 From 5PM – 10PM
Games that must be installed Prior to arriving for this LAN night are as follows:
- Counter Strike Global Offensive
- Overwatch
Games that are not required to have however people like to play them:

- League of Legends
- Ark Survival Evolved
Precise PCs often Celebrates Birthdays During these Gaming Events and this one is going to be a birthday for Tyler and
Marty(Staff Member).
If your interested in having a Birthday Party at Precise PCs on one of our LAN Nights Feel Free to Send us an email at to organise an event. Charges will be varied depending on type of event so make sure to ask about that.
The rules are as follows:
- Bring Own Computer
- Bring Own Monitor
- Bring Own Keyboard
- Bring Own Mouse
- Bring Own Mouse Pad
- Buy Games before arriving
- Download Games before arriving
- Update Games before arriving
- Do Not Leave Kids Unattended
- No Hire Computers or other Peripherals
- No Throwing Food
- No Swearing (Unless Asked to do so)
- Do What Our Staff Members Instruct
- No Excessive alcohol consumption (Unless Asked to do so)
- $5 Entry Fee