Windows 10 for Dummies
Hi i’m Jeremy from Leading Edge Computers and this is an LEC Techcast Quick-tip.
Have you installed Windows 10 and finding it different or hard to use, you find things are not where they used to be or that the new start menu has got you confused. Then head into store and pick up a copy of windows 10 for dummies.
Now don’t let the name put you off, these books have helped millions of readers worldwide with all sorts of problems and they’re here to help navigate your way around windows 10.
Whether it be navigating the new start menu, finding lost files and missing apps or learning how to navigate with a mouse or touchscreen.
This book is a great reference guide and will help you answer your windows 10 questions.
if you like this video and would like to see more as well as keep up to date with whats new and exciting then make sure you subscribe to our channel.
I’m Jeremy from leading edge computers and thanks for watching this LEC Techcast Quick-tip.